Monday, September 2, 2013

What I learned: August 2013

I started following a new blog and that blogged linked up with another blog that does a monthly link up with the prompt "what I learned this month"  So without further ado, this is what I learned over the last month in no particular order.

1. I learned that if you are willing to put yourself out there that there are people who are willing to let you in.  I have never made friends easily.  I have always been too afraid to put myself out there because I couldn't take being rejected, again.  When we moved here in August I was determined to break that mindset and put myself out there more.  This month I have done just that and I have found that there are people who are willing to let me in and maybe even want me to be there.

2.I have learned that when looking at school websites after moving that you make sure that you are looking at the RIGHT school website.  I have two kids starting Jr. High this year and the week before school started I was looking at what I thought was their school website and saw that they needed uniforms.  Panic and stress ensued.  Facebook posts bemoaning the thought of buying two whole new wardrobes were posted.  Come to find out, I was looking at the website of a school over an hour away from us. 

3.I have learned that when stupid stuff comes out of my mouth that I just need to laugh at myself and not berate myself for it. This one is pretty self explanatory.  If people think I am the dumb chick who trips over her words the world will be okay and the universe won't stop existing.  Most of the time I am that chick, so I might as well make peace with it.

4.God's love never ceases to amaze me.  Okay so I didn't exactly learn this just this month, but it just gets more and more apparent.

5.Finding a church that tells it like it is with love, mercy, and grace without watering down the truth is possible, even in a new state. We love our new church and are so blessed by it every Wednesday and Sunday and all the days in between.  If you are in the Groton/New London area I invite you to join us .

6.Telling my story is important.  It doesn't matter how many people hear it, something happens inside of me when I share it, and if it reaches people at the same time then that is just an extra bonus.

7. I love having 6/7 kids in school full time!

8.I am not powerless against my thoughts.  I am learning to take control.  Just like when my kids do something I don't want them to and I tell them "NO" when my brain starts going in directions I don't want it to I can tell it "NO" just as firmly as I do with my kids.  Even if I have to do it a thousand times over, it is possible and it is worth it. 

9.Friends make life better.  Playdates, bbq's, coffee, and hugs.  Friends are good. 

10.I know too many hurting people.   When I posted a link on my facebook page for those dealing with emotional abuse I had about 3 specific people in mind.....what I found out is that there are a lot more people dealing with this issue than I knew.  This makes me sad.  No one should have to deal with abuse.  Please get help or reach out to a friend.  You are not alone and you are not crazy.  Seek truth and wise counsel and I am always here to listen if you need it, although I am afraid I am not very wise, but I am an ear if you need one. 

So there they are, my ten things I learned in August.  If you are interested in joining in just click HERE


  1. Hi Karmen! Thank you for visiting me at the blog today!

    I absolutely LOVE the name of your blog! It made me laugh out loud. Gotta love that.

    Maybe you don't make friends easily, but you certainly do express yourself well! I agree with weird things coming out of my mouth. Go forward!!

    So nice to meet you today! We can be blog-friends :)

  2. Thank you Ceil. I am glad you came by. We can totally be blog friends! =)


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